Geodemography as a foundation for further development of the geography of childhood




geography of childhood, demographic potential, Far East, population reduction, migration, natural decline, population reproduction


Geography has a significant integrative potential, including natural science and socio-economic content which creates the prerequisites for the study of the integral system of “nature — society — man”. An integrated geographical approach towards studying the life of society involves the interconnection of demographic structures at different territorial levels, including individual population groups. The objects of research that were previously studied by individual disciplines apply interdisciplinary integration of knowledge in order to form and develop new theoretical and methodological approaches. On the basis of the accumulated research results in the study area of regional geodemography, a new branch of demographic research – the geography of childhood is being formed and is increasingly recognised. The study of childhood issues involves an initial analysis of the current general demographic situation. Demographic potential has been severely affected by market economy conditions. About 25.5 million people live on the territory of the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern Federal districts. The low population density of the Eastern regions, depopulation and outflow of population make these areas the most problematic for Russia. Overall from 1991 to 2017 the population of the Far East decreased by almost 20 per cent. At a time when the gradual decline of the population in the Far East continues, the demographic factor in the study of social issues becomes crucial. The observed decline is caused by the outflow of population along with negative natural growth. The main socio-demographic threat is the outflow of highly skilled labour from the district and its replacement with low-skilled or unskilled labour. The article analyses the impact of socio-economic development on the regional demographic situation, which may determine the main research areas of the geography of childhood, which are closely linked with socio-economic and socio-political processes in the region and in the country as a whole. The author identifies the transformation required of the population age structure and the conditions necessary to improve the child population quality potential. The geography of childhood is an emerging discipline designed to solve the problems not only of an individual’s development, but also of the future structure of social development.



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