Family image in preschoolers from Christian families
family image, content of image, emotional attitude to family, well-being in family, Protestant families, Orthodox families, forms of manifestation of love in family, intergenerational interactionAbstract
The article describes the results of a study of the subjective family image in preschoolers from Christian — Orthodox and Protestant — families. The study focused on the content and different structural components of the family image. The study found that preschoolers’ image of the family is fragmented and indistinct, regardless of the family type. Children in Christian families view the family as extended, while children in families that do not consider themselves to be religious view the family as nuclear. The following functions of the family are reported: spiritual communication, psychotherapy, leisure activities and stability. Parents’ love for children takes the form of tactile contact, emotional support, and material satisfaction of children’s needs. The manifestations of children’s love for their parents mirror the manifestations of parents’ love for children. The connotative side of the family image is represented by a positive attitude towards the participants of the family system and the family as a whole. Children, regardless of their parents’ religion, perceive the family from the position of well-being. The study found that all the respondents have a positive motivation to create their own family. In Orthodox and Protestant families, there are differences in the content and evaluative components of the family image, and in the attitude towards family members. The differences include the perception of the father’s role in the family and the degree of emotional closeness of grandparents. The article describes the work aimed at psychological and pedagogical support of preschoolers who require correction of the family image, taking into account the specific features of the family type.
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