Family approaches to developing critical thinking in the digital world




family approaches, critical thinking, digital society, methods and tools, family education


The article analyses family approaches to developing critical thinking skills in children in the context of modern digital society. The author explores the main aspects of the impact exerted by family environment on shaping children’s critical thinking — including the mechanisms, methods and tools that parents can employ to that end. The research is based on the analysis of contemporary scholarly works in pedagogy, psychology and information technology, as well as empirical data collected during the study of family practices and their influence on children’s critical thinking. Special attention is given to family interaction, exchange of opinions, and discussions of the content that children encounter online. The author examines a standpoint that a successful development of critical thinking requires interaction of parents, educational resources and digital technologies. The family approach to cultivating critical thinking skills establishes a robust foundation for children, helping them consciously navigate the informational space, distinguish facts from opinions, and make informed decisions in the digital age.

The author proposes various approaches and strategies to encourage analytical thinking and critical evaluation of information in the digital space.

The results allow identification of specific strategies and methods that contribute to the effective development of critical thinking within the family environment in the digital world. The analysis presented in the article can serve as a basis for creating practical recommendations for parents, educators and other professionals working in the field of family education and children’s digital literacy.



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