The childhood environment at Herzen University




childhood, decade of childhood, educational environment, pedagogical university, project


The article deals with the educational and cultural potential of pedagogical universities in creating a special “childhood environment” which is focused on the upbringing of modern children and adolescents. The article describes the main tasks and activities of Herzen University aimed at building a special “childhood environment” on its campus and analyzes the scientific and methodological potential of Herzen University in creating such an environment. The author substantiates the need to consolidate the academic and professional community to discuss, organize and conduct comparative and interdisciplinary research of modern Childhood and create a socio-cultural environment for the development and upbringing of the modern child.

The article presents strategic goals and objectives of the comprehensive program Decade of Childhood at Herzen University, describes the key idea of the program and substantiates the necessity of forming and institutionalizing the childhood environment at Herzen University. The author provides information about priority projects aimed at achieving the program’s goals: Modern Childhood in Modern Russia; Methods of Development and Education of the Modern Child; Modern Professionals for Modern Childhood; and National and World Values of Culture, Science, Language, Art and Literature for Children. The emphasis is made on the description of the international cultural and educational forum Childhood: The Self-Value of the Present which has been held since 2019 by Herzen University as a platform for the professional community to discuss a wide range of issues—specifically, the formation of a new interdisciplinary science of Childhood, educational practices of working with Childhood, and preparation of the teacher for interaction with modern Childhood. The article describes the topics and results of the 3rd international forum Childhood: The Self-value of the Present held in December 2022.



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