Comparative analysis of preferences in animation: Children of generation Z and generation Alpha


  • Ralina E. Nikolaeva Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
  • Yana K. Dolgina Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University



animation, generation Z, generation Alpha, clip thinking, emotional intelligence


Animation is an integral part of every child’s life. It contributes to the development of imagination, expands the range of children’s interests and enriches their vocabulary. Animation is one of the most effective educators, as it combines both the word and the picture. Animation simultaneously includes two organs of perception: hearing and vision. In addition, cartoons are the most significant source of information that helps a child to know the world around him. The article presents a comparative analysis of the preferences in animation of children of generation Z and generation Alpha. The authors mainly focus on identifying the peculiarities of animated films perception by children of different generations. The main details of the “old” and “new” animation are identified and described. The study revealed that, when watching cartoons, modern children do not fix their attention on the main idea, being distracted by the means of expression. In modern conditions, children develop clip thinking: they perceive the world with the help of bright short images. Children of generation Alpha pay increasingly less attention to the main idea of the cartoon. They only remember funny and amusing moments. Modern parents should take a responsible approach to choosing cartoons for their children, since the favorite character from the animated film is one of the main authorities for an Alpha child. In addition, the line between good and evil is sometimes erased in the “new” animation. Characters can demonstrate both positive and negative qualities, which brings them closer to a real person and makes them believable.



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