Case technology based on art as a way to form communicative competence in future teachers of pre-school and primary education




communicative competence, case technology, future teacher, facilitative skills, facilitated discussion


The article considers formation of communicative competence in future teachers of primary and pre-school education with the help of case technology in the process of studying psychological and pedagogical disciplines from the point of view of all three structural components of communication: perceptive, communicative and interactive. The author examines the structure and components of communicative competence which have been identified by experts in this field; analyzes the features of case technology as an interactive approach to teaching students of pedagogical universities which connects theory with practice and promotes the development of future teachers’ professional skills and qualities important for productive person-centered pedagogical communication with children; describes the experience of creating and using case technology for teaching students at Moscow State Pedagogical University. The facilitated discussion method is analyzed; the role of paraphrase is revealed from the point of view of speech development of both the future teacher and the child. The focus is made on the development of students’ facilitative skills and qualities which are necessary for a teacher for person-centered communication in the conditions of humanization of education. The article provides examples of cases and discusses the results of this approach. The students’ feedback on the application of this approach is also provided. In order to facilitate formation of communicative competence using case technology, a manual of psychological and pedagogical communication was developed together with the students. The manual includes interactive teaching methods, practical exercises and cases based on works of art and has been actively used during several years. The article contains examples of such cases from the manual for illustrative purposes.



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