Some factors that predetermine the opinion about the impact of mobile technologies on learning




mobile learning, m-learning, MALL, mobile application, motivation, theories of motivation, motivation factors, 2B-PLS


Mobile learning is gaining more and more popularity in modern methods of foreign language teaching. Mobile learning tends to integrate itself into the traditional learning process, provided that the basic methodological principles are preserved. One of the forms of mobile learning is the implementation of language mobile applications. The use of mobile applications in foreign language lessons has several advantages, and one of the most important is to increase the students’ motivation to learn foreign languages both in the classroom and outside the educational institution. The article provides information about mobile learning, mobile applications, their benefits as well as the experience of working with mobile applications in English lessons for middle school students. We give an overview of the main theories of motivation as well as the 12 factors of motivation. The article presents the results of a study conducted on students enrolled in master’s programs and not specializing in education. The study was based on a survey among students on 12 motivation factors. After completing the survey, it was necessary to answer the question, “Will the use of mobile technologies / mobile applications in the classroom increase the schoolchildren’s motivation to learn English or not?” It was found that, when the survey participants answer the question about the potential effect which the use of mobile technologies in the classroom can have on the motivation to study of people unknown to them, they choose the answer that is closest to their own motivational preferences.



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