Factors determining the effectiveness of perceiving and following instructions by preschoolers aged 5–7





preschoolers, following instructions, executive functions, intelligence, lateral preferences


The ability to follow instructions is important at any age, including the preschool age. However, the available research is mostly focused on following instructions in adults and adolescents and almost entirely ignores preschoolers. At the preschool age, the ability to perceive and follow instructions affects learning, exploring the world and interacting with other people—both adults and peers. As a child grows, the ability to perceive instructions becomes a key factor in school readiness and school performance. A student must clearly understand the tasks that he faces and assimilate the material. This study is focused on the factors that determine how effectively by preschoolers aged 5–7 perceive and follow instructions. The study involved 24 children with normative development of preschoolers aged 4–6, all kindergarten students in St. Petersburg. The research involved an experiment based on a game with parts from the LEGO Duplo constructor. Two children were separated by a screen. One child had an assembled structure, while the other had separate parts of the same structure. The child who had the assembled structure had to explain to the other child how to assemble the figure from the elements. After completing the task, the children changed places. All children performed tests evaluating executive functions and tests revealing lateral preferences. It is shown that children who effectively perceive and follow instructions are characterized by a high level of cognitive flexibility, rapid memorization of information and a high level of interference inhibition. Girls perceive and follow instructions more effectively than boys. Children with a left lateral profile cope with the task faster, which also determined by the effectiveness of perceiving and following instructions.



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