Traditional game as a condition for expressing positive empathy in children aged 8–9




empathy, positive empathy, traditional play, primary school children, interpersonal relationships


The article presents an empirical study of how the manifestation of com positive empathy in relation to the Other changes in the process of children’s participation in traditional play. Two opposite valences of empathy are considered: positive and negative, which correlate with joy and compassion. The authors identify the nature, general features and distinctions of both valences. The article defines joyfulness as a marker of morality. The article substantiates the idea that compassion is a mechanism of socialization: this is achieved through highlighting the main function of compassion, which is the creation and retention of communities. The authors use traditional game as an experimental condition for the manifestation of the traits of gratification. The experimental sample included 15 primary school children aged 8-9, both boys and girls. The play program was conducted 17 times with the subjects over a 4-month period in two different environments: at school and in the courtyard. Primary and secondary assessment was conducted at the beginning and end of the experiment. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained confirms the positive impact of the experience of participation in a traditional game on the ability to feel and show sympathy in primary school children. In addition, the statistical analysis confirms the hypothesis that the quality of interpersonal relationships between participants in the game and children’s attitude toward the game itself have significant differences depending on the location of the game: at school or in the courtyard.



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