Eco-trackers as an effective tool for the development of eco-friendly habits in school students


  • Artem V. Nikitin Secondary school No 1



ecology, eco-tracker, eco-habits, development of eco-habits, school


Environmental issues are gaining more and more momentum every year. It is time for us to understand that they concern each of us personally. A handy way to develop eco-habits is through convenient phone applications— eco-trackers. They are designed to create an understanding of an eco-friendly life and to track the user’s success in acquiring the new mindset. The interview showed that neither the students nor the teachers knew about eco-trackers, however, they expressed a willingness to use them. Most respondents wanted to develop a habit that would help them save electricity and water.

However, not every eco-tracker can be used at school, so specially for school students I have developed a PC application—School Eco-Tracker— a tool that develops basic eco-habits. From February to May 2022, I conducted interviews and analyzed the results of an online questionnaire. The study found that School Eco-Tracker is a popular classroom app.

An online survey of students and teachers showed that a school eco-tracker should help shape environmental habits, provide environmental advice, inform on the rules of green behavior and eco-holidays. Proposals were also made to include information about environmental games and interesting facts about ecology.

School Eco-Tracker features an environmental log where students, with the help of a teacher, record environmentally-friendly actions and how there were implemented. The app also features the Eco-Challenge functionality which gives students tasks that help them increase environmental awareness and master basic eco-friendly habits.



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