The specifics of the project method as a form of children’s participation: An empirical research


  • Daniil V. Temin Far Eastern Federal University



children’s participation, sociology of childhood, participation, project activity, children’s project


The participation of children in solving issues affecting their interests becomes both a research and a legal problem. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989, enshrines the right of children to participate. The National Strategy for Action for Children 2012-2017 emphasized the need to develop child participation and train child professionals in the principles and techniques of child participation. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the author considers project activities as a form of children’s participation, analyzing the specifics of this method and making recommendations for its improvement. Project activity is being actively introduced into the programs of lower secondary education— however, the practice of its application for the participation of children in solving issues affecting their interests is examined only by a small number of studies that reflect the effectiveness of this method, but do not reveal its specifics. The positive experience of applying the project method abroad also proves the importance of studying and using this method as a form of children’s participation. The author considers the results of his empirical study of the using the project method as a form of children’s participation. As part of this study, children—pupils of a social rehabilitation center in Vladivostok—were asked to develop and implement their own project. The article compares the statements of children and adults, and identifies the main factors that hinder the implementation of the project and limit the ability of children to fully participate in resolving issues that directly affect their interests. The author gives recommendations for improving the practice of applying the project method as a form of children’s participation.



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