Waste around us


  • Varvara A. Ponomareva Secondary school No 37
  • Alexander A. Shefel Secondary school No 37




waste, environmental problem, interview, waste sorting, environmental awareness raising


This article focuses on the attitude of school students to waste sorting. The research identified the types of waste generated by school students. It also explored the issues of waste disposal and investigated waste recycling services. In 2022, we took part in the Green School project led by A. G. Filipova and M. R. Khusnutdinova. The knowledge of basic methods of sociological research obtained during the project was later used in our study. We analyzed the content of classroom trash bins to determine the types of waste generated by students of different age. We also studied the attitude of our peers to the problem of waste though interviews and a questionnaire. During the research, we changed our habits and decided to inform others about the ways to reduce waste.

To do this, we conducted environmental classes for students of grades 2 and 9. We tried to deliver it to the students that to help nature it is absolutely necessary to change the usual way of life and abandon technical means. It is enough to reconsider your attitude to the environment. What is important is that you can start small—with the ecology of your own school.

Our work resulted in environmental initiatives at school, community cleanups and the participation in a research conference competition. Our efforts also changed the students’ attitude to the environment.



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