School and university students in participatory design of the urban environment: Experience of the Kursk region




participatory design, urban environment, projects, school students, university students, region


The article focuses on participatory design of the urban environment— a topic that is currently highly relevant to urban studies—from the point of view of schoolchildren and youth. The methodological foundation of the study included the ideas of foreign and Russian authors in the field of urban sociology, the architecture of urban spaces and comprehensive childhood studies (R. Park, V. Glazychev, A. Filipova, R. Hart and others). To gather research data, a study was conducted among Kursk school and university students in November 2020, using qualitative methods. The conversations focused on the main initiatives of the Kursk region government in the area of creating a comfortable urban environment. The level of participation of children and young people in the implementation of these initiatives was assessed based on their opinions expressed during the focus group, informal interviews, etc. Projects related to society, culture, environment, branding and graffiti had the greatest resonance. An overwhelming number of study participants expressed a desire and willingness to participate in the design of the urban environment. School and university students can do so within the framework of existing legislation. Barriers to initiative implementation and potential measures to overcome those were also identified. The results of the study support the feasibility and legitimacy of involving children and young people in the discussion and implementation of urban improvement projects, as well as the educational potential of these activities in the framework of university career guidance and education.



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