Overcoming egocentrism and using family group logopsychotherapy in the rehabilitation of the identity of stuttering people


  • Tatjana I. Pashukova Moscow State Linguistic University




stuttering, neurosis, egocentrism, phenomena and types of egocentrism, communication difficulties, difficult mental states, family group logopsychotherapy, dialogic communication


The article explores egocentrism as a personality trait of stuttering people and approaches to reduce egocentrism in the course of family group logopsychotherapy. The article provides the definition of egocentrism and discusses two psychology-based approaches to studying egocentrism. One of the approaches focuses on egocentrism as a quality of mental processes. The other approach views egocentrism as a personality trait and state. The article explores difficulties in communication and relationships caused by egocentrism. It focuses on an extroverted and an introverted types of egocentrism and explains the phenomena related to each. The article provides a brief description of such egocentrism-related phenomena as self-focus, false consensus, “the curse of knowledge”, “the illusion of transparency”, “the spotlight effect”, etc. The author is of the reasoned opinion that egocentric phenomena are caused by the violation of operational capabilities of communication, i.e., a one-way path from the Self to the Other, which reduces the quality of communication.

The article reports the results of the study of egocentrism and egoism in persons suffering from neurosis in the form of stuttering. The obtained data allowed us to conclude that the indicators of egocentric self-focus are higher in people with logoneurosis in the form of stuttering than in those who do not have speech disorders. Besides, stutterers are more likely to have an introverted type of egocentrism. It turned out that the indicators of egoism, as a speech form of egocentrism, in individuals with logoneurosis were twice as high in interviews and diary entries compared with other group participants. The article discusses what higher levels of egocentrism may lead to. It also analyses the introverted form of egocentrism in stuttering people.

The article highlights the possibilities of reducing egocentrism in stuttering people at different stages of family group logopsychotherapy. It analyses the dynamics of egocentrism and the conditions offered by the identity rehabilitation of stutterers for the formation of readiness for interpersonal and role communication.



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