Trust issues in psychotherapy aimed at the external stimulation of a productive state: Evidence from logopsychotherapy
trust, intersubjectivity, productive state, attitude towards the suggestive effect, logopsychotherapy, stuttering, logoneurosisAbstract
Logopsychotherapy developed by Yu. Nekrasova and N. Karpova is a method of treating logoneurosis (stuttering). The effectiveness of the method depends on the participant’s trust to the conductors.
This method develops a special productive psychological state, in which stuttering gradually loses its foundations, and healthy speech, on the contrary, gains the foundations. This is where an important role is given to the methods associated with suggestive influence. The desired effect can only be achieved if the patient is sufficiently open to such influence, and this puts the issues of trust and passivity to the fore.
The evidence was obtained from four participants. The article describes the most illustrative attitudes towards suggestive influence, i.e., different ways of synthesizing the aspects of trust and distrust. The analysis of individual dynamics of each participant shows how a particular attitude can impact the effectiveness of psychotherapy.
We show that both a complete blocking of the suggestive influence and an excessive need in suggestive influence are equally unproductive.
Further, we noticed that the more local the tasks of the participant were, the less acute was the issue of the willingness to trust and, accordingly, the easier it was to achieve a productive state. Besides, those participants who were able to experience a productive state showed a pronounced increase in confidence in the therapist and the method alike, which encouraged the progress of the therapy. However, later, these participants showed a decrease in the level of trust, since the new state almost immediately provoked excessive enthusiasm and made them hope that the results would come quickly.
To conclude, the therapist’s role is not limited only to producing a productive state in patients—the therapist is also responsible for the development of a balanced attitude towards the suggestive effect and therapy in general.
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