The “age of power”: The imagined generations and the trust to politicians in the contemporary Russians’ social views




age and power, the age issues in political sciences, social views, the trust to politicians, the age stereotypes


The article analyzes the level of trust to politicians of various age exhibited by respondents belonging to different generations. The study is based on the results of interviews conducted in three regions of Russia in 2020. The author points out that the age factor serves as one of the resources of power and influences political interests, political preferences and political participation. The study shows that the age of a politician is an important factor which has an impact on the level of trust to him/her. The respondents evaluate the advantages which are enjoyed by politicians who belong to various age groups. The respondents also consider politicians to possess, to a various degree, the qualities which constitute attributes of power.

The mature age is mostly attributed such characteristics of power as objectivity, responsibility, rationality, ability to negotiate, goal-oriented approach, etc. The level of trust to the young politicians and, to an even greater degree, to the “elderly” ones is lower. The respondents refer to age when evaluating politicians belonging to various generations. The research demonstrates a lack of trust between young and elderly people.

The most important factor which differentiates the attitudes of respondents is their age. Young people, including minors, mostly demonstrate a lack of trust to elderly politicians and believe that such politicians lose touch with reality.



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